We are seeking a licensing partner willing and able to take our 80% complete engineering model to production-ready, including manufacturing, logistics, and sales. We have several motivated distribution companies ready to market and sell this product to senior living, office, and home users!
Documentation available to interested parties:
• IP status including granted US patent (Pat. No. 11,040,239)
• Current engineering and design status, including CAD models
• Total available market size and share of market
• Product value proposition for target markets
– Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs), Assisted Living Facilities (ALFs), Home, Office
• Competitive positioning including pricing
• Detailed competitive assessment
• Five year sales and growth projections including a go-to-market strategy
• Traction with multiple distribution companies (large, multi-national)
• Key project milestone and co-founder backgrounds
• Letters of support from doctors, therapists, wellness coordinators,
facility administrators, professors, and users
Please send us an email if you are interested in learning more!